Techniques the cleaning action of the body, the noise in the House

We rarely, I don't think parasite lives in what amount our body – there are many videos on the internet, where all that see with their own eyes.


In the first place, of course, worms (worms) the presence of WE it's not even questionable, so I'm going helminthiasis, the heavier phase, and abnormality of the gastrointestinal tract and other organs, emotions and bad emotions, including being accused of everything works.

Why and when to do the cleaning the body of parasites

The weight accumulated toxins and toxins in our body for many years; weight secreted toxins also parasites in the process of life and slowly poisoning him.

I like very much even the doctors know about get in touch if you have intestinal worms, I prefer to spend you can do the cleaning yourself.

However, the shoe, the body of parasites at home, the event is not only very important, but the specific information you require.

All that is known about parasites along with worms, between, various fungi, viruses, protozoa, etc., the number of tens or hundreds.

Yes Kurt, not sure you live, digestive system, proper localization can be a form of an array, any body up, the heart and brain.

Only a deprived part of our own lives in the human body and the food comes with, but the cause of poisoning, toxins secreted damage, he said.

About the existence of parasites, especially intestinal worms, if you can show the following symptoms:

  • dysfunction, the digestive system, along with abdominal pain, nausea, sometimes constipation and/or diarrhea;
  • a drastic change, body mass index (usually downward, but sometimes it can cause excess weight) is too high, or, on the contrary, low appetite;
  • feeling constant fatigue, weakness, drowsiness and insomnia;
  • frequent headaches;
  • abnormality, liver and gall bladder;
  • a drop in the blood hemoglobin level anemia;
  • allergy symptoms, as mentioned previously, most commonly skin rashes;
  • immune protection.

However, as previously mentioned, an incredible number of helminth species, and you need to find an effective treatment for, what kind in the body that attacks.

No laboratory impossible, yes, and the first time they always give reliable results, therefore the tests recommended for cleansing the body before you begin you want to switch to a couple of times.

But, remember, the most dangerous characteristic of the flow helminthiasiss asymptomatic, can be detected not only in his own time and often preventable death.

But even the deadly consequences of helminthiasis able to completely poison and threat to life, I mean, I need to get rid of it, in any suitable manner, medicament or folk remedies at home.

Where should I start? First treatment by a doctor assigned to delivery and analysis. Second, it needs to be cleaned, not just the body, but the area around it can shoot helminth eggs, dusty carpets, floor coverings, linens, furniture surface, etc., and keeps for a long time vitality at home.


  • personal hygiene measures are especially carefully;
  • of course, such foods, adequate thermal processing of meat and fish and fruits and vegetables should be washed how.

This, of course, helminthiasiss warnings for all measures, but even they help to reduce the risk of re-fees.

Techniques for cleansing the body

Really no one we can say for sure what the best shoes, especially at home.

Medical tools move faster, once it is accepted by the general public, most of them usually so I took it again and two weeks later, however, remember their contra indications and side effects.

For the treatment folk remedies is often a lesson that is made to one for a few weeks, but that is more gentle.

Before you choose a cleaning path, the organism, the parasite, at home we encourage you to read the recipe schema intake, possible contraindications, and select the most effective against a certain type of have a diagnosis of helminthiasis will prove you, or your loved ones.


Remember, some medicines are not suitable for children, also, you need to find the correct dose and not retrieve the schema and modify them.

If you find any funds intolerance, the treatment you need to stop and you have no other choice.

Nice comments about the cleaning, Semenova and parasites in the body. As a candidate, Biological Sciences, Nadezhda Semenova is considered as a healer and folk studied the intricacies of the properties of natural products, plants, herbs, etc., used in popular medicine for this purpose.

On their basis developed a comprehensive methodology, cleaning, various aspects of the parasite containing the body including supporting proper nutrition and a nurturing environment for them to get rid of parasites the prison slag you want to create desserts, pastries and other products.

Was effective in purifying, better go, a vegetarian diet with sufficient liquid (at least 2 liters a day).

When exactly is the view diagnosis of helminthiasis, the specific program addicted after a while to repeat a life cycle is a parasite.

Itself often it happens, but larvae and eggs may remain in the body can develop every adult individuals.

Therefore, the course again a few times at intervals of 18-20 days: for example, a weakened immune systems – and a two times and Vladislav to Ascari – four.

Medical tools

Currently, there are many medicines etc parasites: some a separate species effective against helminth, for example, or round, or flukes, or flatworms, have a wide range of other effects.

But the effect inevitably must be understood that efficiency that causes the negative effects the drug the toxicity of the body because of the nature of them more or less to a certain extent.

Therefore, most drug treatment is usually performed to minimize the effects and drug helminthiasis in a complex three phases: preparation, in fact, anti-helminthic, and healing.

A comprehensive treatment of public intoxication contains tools to prevent death from parasites; they also helps to overcome the negative effects of parasites on the body.

Popular folk remedies

For cleaning the body of parasites, that apply at home various folk remedies, mostly plant food and pepper, bitter and pungent taste, completely tolerate Archlord exactly what I mean. This Basic their laxative effect.

The garlic.

  • Press a few cloves of garlic enema for Miss through a glass, pour with hot water the night insisted, and in the morning drain and enema. Again 5 days.
  • 0,25 cup grated radish and mix with chopped garlic, pour 1 liter of water, insist 10 days. 1 tablespoon half an hour before meals to get x, 3 p. day.
  • Take 12 drops freshly squeezed garlic juice and dilute to 200 ml warm milk a half hour before meals for $ 3 a day. Course – 7 days.
  • Night slice garlic paste cleaned rectum, in the morning remove.

Herbs (tarragon, worm, grass, clove, etc.).

  • The mixture of crushed dried herb: tarragon (30 g), clove (50 g) and Tansy (100 g). Half an hour to get a bite to eat before order: 1-teaspoon 1 time per day 1, 2. Day – 1 teaspoon twice, 3. day, and the next slide with 1 teaspoon three times a day.
  • 2 tablespoons dried Tansy flowers pour boiling water (1 liter), brew, strain and substance p 0.5 x 3 before each meal. day.


Pour 800 ml water and 30 g of baking soda is completely dissolved. Before going to do a cleansing Enema of 2 liters of normal water, then try to enter at least half an hour delay defecation and washing soda.

Cleansing after defecation enemas normal water again and again. Duplicate procedure 7-8 times per day.

Brandy and castor oil.

Mix 50 ml brandy and castor oil (only purchase), drinking on an empty stomach in the morning for 2-3 days. To prevent dehydration it is recommended to drink more water.

Liver shoe, olive oil and lemon juice.

200 ml olive oil to cook (wake up) 200 ml of fruit juice and ripe lemons squeezed most. Sheep liver drink every 15 minutes before going to bed and a heating pad on his throat, oil, and water. Stagnant bile and other harmful substances out of the morning with the stool.

(Attention! Medical drugs currently being offered a softer action.)



Cleansing the body of parasites, though, at home, in any case will increase the stress of the toxins helminth cumulative Selection will be death for him.

Contraindications for him so therefore:

  • pregnancy and breast-feeding;
  • the presence of chronic diseases, digestive, cardiovascular, genitourinary and endocrine systems;
  • oncology;
  • temporary contra – flu and SARS.

Not the pain, even if these diseases you need to consult a doctor, whether it is possible, the need for cleansing the body of folk remedies.